Spaceport News of July 24, 1975
This edition of the Spaceport News (KSC’s employee newspaper) carried photographs and interviews with members of the Launch Team. The paper was issued on the day of the ASTP Apollo Capsule splash down and can be read by clicking on the PDF link below. Page 6 was omitted, but did not carry any of the interview. Names of the Launch Team members interviewed are shown below.
Page 3, in the picture at top Dick Thornburg is in the background over Dobryin’s shoulder on left. To right top row; Randy Youmans is just over Fletcher’s left shoulder, and to the right is Tip Talone.
Page 5, Note in the top left picture of the SA-1 launch blockhouse; Dr Von Braun is on the far periscope, Albert Zeiler is on the near periscope. In the middle, Dr. Debus is on the left looking at his console and Rocco Petrone on the right.
Page 6, missing in this copy, does not contain names from the interview.
Page 8 shows the LVO contractor group pictures taken in an unused firing room. These pictures are shown in good resolution with the people numbered and identified in the Apollo Contractor section. You must click on the picture to have it open up. Click again to magnify. Click here to jump to that section.
Names by page:
Page 4 text;
Bill Scott
Carroll R. Rouse
Art Sawyer
Billy Melton
J. Tal Webb
Harold “Digger” O’Dell
Kiyoshi Yamasaki
James Schofield
Joe Eckhoff
Creath Dean, Sr.
Bob Claudio
Kelly Fiorentino
Spaceport News
Click to open:
Page 5 text;
James Ford
Eugene Branson
Tom Lookabaugh
Royce English
Ebbe Henning
Tom Sherrington
Sid Holloway
Paul Thomas
Al Holden
Bill Waugh
Page 7 text;
Paul Donnelly
Norm Carlson
Skip Chauvin
Gary Powers
William Schick