
This section contains subtopics for each major area.  Please click on each topic and leave comments (names, corrections, suggestions, etc.) in the comment box at the bottom of the page for each.  Thanks.

NOTE:  No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in any photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly, it is requested that if any photograph is used in advertising and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release.
Jupiter Blockhouse, Unidentified Launch

Click to enlarge

Redstone people111, Jupiter blockhouse copy

Names; 1. Albert Zeiler, 2. Eberhard Rees, 3. Bruce McDaris, 4. Kurt Debus, 6. W. O. “Curly” Chandler, 7. Ike Rigell, 9. Andy Pickett, 10. Gen John Barclay , 11. Grady Williams, 13. Bob Gorman

Jupiter AM-1A    Click to enlarge

Jupiter 1A numbered copy

Names in work

Unidentified Jupiter Launch

A blockhouse unidentified launch photo. The TV image is a Jupiter.

Jupiter undated launch

Jupiter undated launch


This is a Jupiter IRBM launch. The date or ID is not on the picture, but the image in the TV shows the type.

Names (You must enlarge the picture to see the numbers)

4. Dewy Childs

6. Andy Pickett

7. Henry Crunk

9. Brig. Gen. John Barclay

16. Bob Gorman

17. Grady Williams

18. Bill Jafferis

19. Karl Sendler

20. John Twigg

Jupiter 7, Aug 27, 1958

Click on photo to enlarge

Jupiter 7 numbered

Names in work

 Juno II

AM-11 was a Juno II launched Dec 6, 1958 carrying the Pioneer III.

Click to enlarge and clarify

AM 11

Names in work


AM-16, a Juno II, failed launch, July 16, 1959

Explorer 7 (S-1) was launched using a Juno 2 rocket. Its mission was to measure the earth’s radiation balance. It was destroyed by the Range Safety Officer 5-1/2 seconds after liftoff because of a failure of the 400 cycle inverter power supply for the guidance system.

Juno II AM-16, Jul 16, 1959 numbered

Names in work

Post  Launch

Managers in the back of the Blockhouse watching data playback after the failed launch.

Juno II 7 16 59 numbered


Names (enlarge picture to see numbers)

2. General John Bruce Medaris

3. Dr. Kurt Debus

4. Bob Moser

5. General John Barclay

6. Grady Williams

7. Dr. Werner Von Braun

8. Karl Sendler

9. Bob Heiser

Edward R. Murrow in the Blockhouse


Left to right; Ike Rigell, Edward R. Murrow, Dr. Debus, Curly Chandler

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