Welcome Members/Prospective Members.

Please note the changes to membership renewal as follows:

Because our activities were interrupted by COVID restrictions, we are asking all our members, including those who hold Life and Benefactor memberships, to complete an application and submit it for the 2025 year.

Below is an online application for the 2025 membership year (January 1 – December  31, 2025), but you can also renew by printing a paper version as noted below and mailing it in.  Annual membership is $30;  other levels of membership are as noted.  No payment is required for Life and Benefactor Members.  Online renewal is preferred.

To apply online please complete the form below.

Even if you have no changes to your contact information or membership level, we need your help to complete all the boxes and submit the form so we can update your record in our Member Directory. If you are submitting a new application, please choose the correct category for your personal participation. Note that the blocks with asterisks are mandatory.

If you are paying online, once you complete the online application form, BUT PRIOR TO SUBMISSION, please make a payment via PayPal.

Please choose the correct membership type. Note that the Special Membership registration choice for new members only is at the bottom of the registration list below.

Click Here to Pay by PayPal BEFORE you hit submit on the form… This will open a new tab with PayPal.  After you pay, close that tab and return to this one.

NOTE:  Paying by PayPal will open a new page, so return here after you pay.  IF YOU CAN NOT RETURN TO THIS PAGE AFTER YOU PAY, PLEASE USE THE BACK BUTTON ON YOUR BROWSER TO SEND IN THE REGISTRATION FORM.  If that doesn’t work, please leave us a note at info@nalfl.com. THANKS.

If you prefer not to apply online,

Please click here:  2025 NAL Membership Application, print a paper version of the form, then complete and mail it with a check payable to NALFL to:  NALFL Treasurer, P. O. Box 423, Titusville, Fl 32781.

To make an online contribution to the Scholarship Fund, please select the DONATE button from the main navigation menu.  That will take you to a PayPal link and you can make your contribution directly.

NOTE:  For online payments PayPal costs about 3% of the total, so if you are making a large donation, please consider making your payment by check mailed to P. O. Box 423, Titusville, Fl 32781 or pay by cash at the next luncheon meeting.