Hi.  Welcome to the payment page!

  1. Please choose the appropriate color-coded registration link and go to your cart at the bottom of the page where you will click on the PayPal link to pay.
  2. When you click on the PayPal link, it will take you to Paypal where you decide how to pay.  You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to make payments there.
  3.  To make a donation to the scholarship fund, CLICK HERE.  Thank you!  


Annual Membership 2025: Dues $30 (Attend meetings, receive information/notices, may serve on the Board if elected).  


Supporting Member 2025:  Annual Dues $100. (All membership benefits plus recognition as a scholarship sponsor).


Life Member: One Time Dues $500 (All benefits of individual membership to the lifetime of the member).  


 Benefactor (includes Life Membership): One Time Dues $1000 (Lifetime benefits plus recognition at events).  

PLEASE REMEMBER: If you haven’t sent in a form – even if you are only renewing – please do that so we can be sure of your current contact information.  Thanks!