Hi. Welcome to the payment page!
- Please choose the appropriate color-coded registration link and go to your cart at the bottom of the page where you will click on the PayPal link to pay.
- When you click on the PayPal link, it will take you to Paypal where you decide how to pay. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to make payments there.
- To make a donation to the scholarship fund, CLICK HERE. Thank you!
Annual Membership 2025: Dues $30 (Attend meetings, receive information/notices, may serve on the Board if elected).
Supporting Member 2025: Annual Dues $100. (All membership benefits plus recognition as a scholarship sponsor).
Life Member: One Time Dues $500 (All benefits of individual membership to the lifetime of the member).
Benefactor (includes Life Membership): One Time Dues $1000 (Lifetime benefits plus recognition at events).