Apollo Contractors

Contractors and their names may be in any of the categories. This section has group contractor pictures.

Apollo CSM Contractors

Click on the above for the CSM Contractors

Apollo LEM Contractors

Click on the above title for the LEM Contractors


Apollo Saturn Stage Contractors:

The Saturn Stage Contractors are listed below; Boeing, Chrysler, General Electric, IBM, McDonnell Douglas, Rocketdyne, and Rockwell. These Apollo Launch Team Members were gathered together for team photographs in July, 1975 as described in the Spaceport News article at the end of this section. Rockwell, the SII stage contractor, had departed by this date.  The names for the team members in  these photos have been provided by Stage Contractor Managers and others.The SII stage team photos and names are provided by Fred Cordia.

You should click on the photo several times to enlarge it.

If you have any additions, corrections, or comments, there is a comment box at the end of this section.

Saturn/Apollo GSE Responsibilities

This Drawing was used at Complex 39 to show contractor responsibilities and interfaces. It shows the complexity of the program. You must click on the photos to open, click again to magnify.


Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it and to read the numbers on the individuals. Let us know of any corrections or additions.

Boeing Apollo Launch Team

Boeing Apollo Launch Team








             Front row

Clarence Detro (cut out of pic)

1           Rocky Calvetto

2           Bill Parsons

3           Jim Cole

4           Keith Sevendby

5           Doug Kelly

6           Jim Crutchfield

7           Ken Robbins

8           Earl Purvis

9           John Yancey

10        George Clark

11        Art Niegarth

12        Gale Griebel

13        Dick Smith

14        Charlie Smith


Middle row

Bob Claudio (one arm only)

1           Ralph McKee

2           Les Cottrell

3           Julian Baggett

4           Billy Melton

5           Bill Heink

6           Glen Roberts

Bob Bucina (top of head only)

7           Paul Donnelly, NASA

8           Dick Adams

9     Dr. Hans Gruene, NASA

10        Joe Skowron

11        Jerry Hewitte

12        Ike Rigell, NASA

13        Norm Lundberg

14        Art Scholz

15        Tom Sherrington

16        Al Holmes

17        John Culley

18        Bill Holmes

19        Walt Kapryan, NASA

20        Beth Thrash

21        Denny Hajduk

22        Bill Lipscomb

23        Tom Lookabaugh

24        Russ Bausch

25        Barry King


Back row

1         ?, (top of head only)

2           Marion Lenney

3           Hardy Hardcastle

4           Sharon Crockett

5           Andy Hernandez

6           Ron Miller

7           Don Weinberg

8           Buddy Heilig

9           Doris Mauney

10        Gene Mount

Jim Owens (top of head only)

11        Marvin Wright

12        Dave Rosine

13        Bill Atkinson

14        Harry Harrison

15        John Stephens

16        Elmer Vinson

17        Phil Hart

18        Chase Reed

19        George Schluter

20        Donna Barnes

21        Ernie Tholke

22        Cory Robinson

23        Dave Barnes

24        Maxine Henderson

25        Joe Eckhoff

26        Chuck Frost

27        Sim Rome

28        Al Rubin

29        Billy Marshman

30        John Keller

31        Ron Lander

32        Dave Vevera

33        Al Schwindt

34        Coz Todaro

35        Barney Barnes

36        Cindy Carter

37        Alice Bennett

38        Carol Mundy

39        Nellie Yeisley

40        Burl McElhaney

41        Roland Robin

42        Bill Wheeler, NASA

43        Carl Grothe



Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it and to read the numbers on the individuals. Let us know of any corrections or additions.

Chrysler Apollo Launch Team

Chrysler Apollo Launch Team



1          Ken Adrian

2          Tom Allen

3          Bill Pittman

4          Dick Lewis

5          Cleo Wren

6          Dick Ruffi

7          Dean Kelly

8          Ed Burke

9          Len Childers

10        Jim Pittman

11        Betr Beem

12        Gene Zawacki

13        Steve Cummings

14        Don Brown

15        Bob Kelso

16        Bill Whitaker

17        Bob Hall

18        Virgil Powell

19        Curt Bennewitz

20        Bob Farrell

21        Al Thor

22        Sisto Marsico

23        Jack Zartman

24        Maggie Marsico

25        John Gelzer

26        Paul Quandt

27        Chat Harman

28        Harry Bell

29        Ken Stewart

30        Hans Gruene

31        Paul Donnelly

32        Ike Rigell

33        Ray Monshor

34        Dino Salvador

35        Cliff Boot

36        Walt Kapryan

37        Ernie Benziger

38        Jerry Brown

39        Danny Despriet

40        Ray Burkhart

41        Ron Howard

42        Stan Olsen

43        Bill Bouwsma

44        Jerry Farmer

45        Bill Thibodeaux

46        Carl Brinkmann

47        Lee Benton

48        Mark Allen

49        Elmer Grabloski

50        Andy Petro

51        ?

52        Linda Mobley

53        ?

54        Paul Griffin

55        Allen McDonald

56        Macy Carnley

57        Eddey Rodrequez

58        Mel Ball

59        Bob Weinberg

60        Bill Matthews

61        Deon Smith

62        Bob Eddy

63        Dock Hales

64        Randy McDonald

65        Ky Yamasaki

66        Corky Lamb

67        Carl Hampton

68        Fred Peterson

69        John McCrane

70        Jack Hoffman

71        Chet Durnin

72        John Rathjen

73        Preston Beck

74        Ed Bretzius

75        Emmet Spencer

76        Ray Bond

77        Jack Adams

78        Dave Ryser

79        Ollie Bridges

80        Jack Teel

81        Tommy Waring

82        John Morgan

83        Bill Weir

84        W. O. Brown

85        James Ford

86        Larry Robedeau

87        Dudley Gay

88        Moreno Dungan

89        John Hughes

90        Al McDavitt

91        Chisk Hoff

92        Jim Sanders

93        Ernie Allen

94        Mike Samodai


Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it. We haven’t yet found a GE person for names. Please let us know of any corrections or additions.


GE Apollo Launch Team

GE Apollo Launch Team















Names, left to right

Dr. Gruene, NASA

Norm Switzer


Ike Rigell, NASA


Cal Fowler

Paul Donnelly, NASA

Walt Kapyran, NASA








Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it and to read the numbers on the individuals. Let us know of any corrections or additions.

IBM Apollo Launch Team

IBM Apollo Launch Team


1 L. Solano

2 Elsie ?

4 Heghkovich

7 Clancy Boswell

8 Harold Thompson

10 Bob Babcock

11 Peggy Gray

12 Ron Linder

13 Tom “Chico” Cimafranca

14 Henry “Hank” Bearden

18 Nellie Parrish

20 Jerry Freetly

21 Dr. Hans Gruene, NASA

23 Ike Rigell, NASA

24 Bruce Hoskins

25 George Smith

26 Rick Mingus

27 Robert E. Ehrhardt Jr.

27 Robert E. Ehrhardt Jr.

29 Dick Nelson

30 Walt Kapryan, NASA

31 Jim Royer

32 Larry Moxley

33 Paul Donnelly, NASA

34 Harry Mitchell

36 Richard Gragg

37 Don Elder

38 John Wasko

39 Kathy King

40 Mary Ann Ducharme

44 John Weaver

45 John Favor

46 Cliff Rainey

47 Joe Elder

49 Lou Rhode

52 Lou Celender

57 Rex Hinton

58 Dave Batson

59 Bruce McCloud

60 Tom Knighton

61 Tom Santos

70 Dennis Solo

75 Ed Witt

76 Don Whittaker

78 John Romaine

80 George Boyle

81 Bill Batty

82 Bill Scott

83 Rodney Olson

84 John Washburn

85 Earl Corley

86 Sam Hayes

88 Bill Behmer

90 Jim Bedillion


McDonnell Douglas

Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it and to read the numbers on the individuals. Let us know of any corrections or additions.

McDonnell Douglas Apollo Launch Team

McDonnell Douglas Apollo Launch Team



1 Lloyd Bertsch

2 Nelson Nuez

3 Marion Durant

4 Charlie Townsend

5 Barney Brown

6 Gerry Teague

7 Earl Snyder

8 Burt Adams

9 Mel Hastings

10 Bud Bietel

11 Frank Mohme

12 John Crane

13 Ed Deserio

14 Jim Falscroft



1 Royce English

2 Harvey Lanier

4 Charlie Faulkner

5 Delores Weaver

6 Aileen Lott

10 Paul Johnson

11 Ike Rigell

12 Eileen Herman

13 Russ Leonard

14 George Faenza

17 Ross Cooper

18 Ralph Marlett

19 Walt Kapyran

21 Bud Blankenship

22 Bob Butler

24 Paul Donnelly

25 Al Loupe

26 George Thurn

27 Hank Groth



2 John Lathrow

3 Larry Rowe

4 Dick Bauman

5 R. J. Stewart

6 Jerry Schmidt

7 Gene Dunn

8 Vince Stranese

10 C Kleinschmidt

11 Ed Bradley

13 Dean Chrisman

14 Walt Posey

17 John Jeffries

18 Bob Culpepper

19 Ralph Griffin

20 Duane Johnson

21 Bobby Webber

23 Jerry Mook

25 Jerry Soloman

28 Woody Brecken

29 Bill Tyler

30 Bill Schutte

32 Ed Scully

33 Don Ceasar

34 Becky Faenza

37 George Frogner

38 Hamp Moran

41 Bob Gunn

43 Elmer Yoemans



Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it. Let us know of any corrections or additions.

Rocketdyne Apollo Launch Team

Rocketdyne Apollo Launch Team














Left to right;

Paul Donnelly, NASA

Dr. Hans Gruene, NASA

Pete Rowland, F-1

Ike Rigell, NASA

Boyd Anderson, J-2

James Jordan

Roscoe Nicholson, Base Manager

John Pykiet

Andrew Kennedy

Al Lenz, J-2

Walt Kapyran, NASA


Rockwell SII Stage

Click on the picture several times to fully enlarge it. Let us know of any corrections or additions. These photos and names courtesy of Fred Cordia.

S-II Launch Crew (Rockwell)


Standing – Left to Right

Roy Masters

Wilson Behney

Egon Radzins

Ed Carpenter

Roger Lyons


Doug Marshall

Spencer Earnhardt



Don Hendrix

Russ Brown


Hal Crawford

Herm Billings

Art Edwards

Will Miner

Larry Gladu

Chuck Weidrich

Pierre Schoener

Ray Reedy

John Plowden


Bob Gordon










Molly Guadaloupe

Rich Robitaille

Don Stibich

Byron Andrews

Norm Mayeda

Ray Jones





S-II Launch Crew (Rockwell)







Standing – Left to Right

Roy Masters

Bob Tubielewicz

Egon Radzins

Norm Mayeda

Russ Brown

Bill Moore


Chuck Weidrich

Larry Gladu


Pierre Schoener

Will Miner

Ray Jones



Bob Gordon

Hal Crawford

Spencer Earnhardt

Gerry Sheehan



Ken Meecham


Art Edwards

Ed Carpenter


Ray Reedy


Roger Lyons

Don Hendrix


Wilson Behney



Molly Guadaloupe

Rich Robitaille

Don Stibich


Hal Roper

Phil Barteau





Spaceport News Article, Saturn Contractors

Click on the underlined title below for a pdf copy of the July 24 1975 Spaceport News. The photo shows the published page of the LVO Contractors pictures.

Spaceport News, Jul.24, 1975, NASA & Contractor names



  1. Didn’t notice two #25s. In the Boeing Launch Team photo I noticed I wasn’t listed so it is possible I missed the shot. However #25 in the back row which is listed as Joe Eckhoff sure looks like me.
    Stephen Coester

  2. In the Boeing Launch Team photo I noticed I wasn’t listed so it is possible I missed the shot. However #25 which is listed as my co-LH2 worker Barry King sure looks like me.
    Stephen Coester

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